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Xar Airre is a Kel Dor Jedi Master from the planet Dorin, the homeworld of his species. He is known for wielding three purple lightsabers and having mastered the art of telekinetic lightsaber combat to the point where he could fight with all of his blades at the same time.


Airre was born on Dorin in 960 ABY to a lesser lineage of Baran Do Sages. He was meant to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and become a Sage. At the age of ten Airre was sent to Coruscant to train with the Jedi at the temple, as it was custom for many future Baran Do Sages. During his time among the Jedi he eventually decided to remain with them and abandon his path to becoming a Sage to the disappointment of his family who had seen great potential in him.

Airre trained under several Masters and for a short time even under the Jedi Battlemaster Uundal. He eventually completed his trials and became a full Jedi Knight, at some point adopting the rare lightsaber technique of telekinetic combat and mastering it like no other in the order at the time. Around the same time he also constructed his third lightsaber which was an almost exact copy of his already two identical ones. Unlike most other Jedi, Airre put little emphasis on the individuality of his lightsabers, seeing them as little more than tools for him to use.

In 1001 ABY Xar Airre was part of an expedition to find the ancient sith world of Dromund Kaas in an attempt to learn more about the recently discovered reemerging Sith after the death of one of their members by the hands of Leojos Westmayl. There the group discovered an ancient Sith temple inside which they came across a creature calling itself Yasjal. The creature was the guardian of a specific chamber of the temple and after the combined effort of both Jedi and Imperial Knights, the creature was defeated, revealing the location of its Master through the spirit of a long dead Sith follower. In the wake of this discovery the expedition set out on the Coercitor-class Star Destroyer Royal Fury to find the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Magice. He was found in the unknown regions beyond Chiss space drifting aboard the ancient dreadnought Resurgent. Together with a trooper escort the team snuck aboard and was received by a droid host of old HK-51 assassin droids. Believing it was a trap after a range of alarms abord the ship went off, Airre dismantled the droid only to be attacked by more droid reinforcements. Together with his troopers the Jedi Master fought his way to the bridge of the ship where he eventually met up with the rest of the team. There they also met Magice who had been awoken from stasis by the triggering of the alarm together with several thousand of his followers. A battle ensued on the bridge after Magice almost completely crippled the Royal Fury using a powerful force ability. In this confrontation, Airre faced off against several dozen Sith that came to reinforce the Sith already present on the bridge. He managed to kill one and severely injure a few others before being put on the defensive. Airre was eventually knocked unconscious by a lightning attack from Rahe Graush while he was about to kill another Sith apprentice. Just before being killed himself, Airre togther with the other survivors of the expedition aboard the Resurgent were transported back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by the combined efforts of Jidoec Marr and Vatir who used an extremely rare and powerful force power to save them. In time Xar Airre made a full recovery and even received a seat on the Jedi High Council for his efforts and experience.

Having been extremely close to death, Airre realized the importance of passing his knowledge on to those that came after him and began constructing a holocron. Inside it he would gather all of what he knew about the force and being a Jedi, most importantly sharing his knowledge of telekinetic lightsaber combat. With it he hoped that if he could not defeat the reemerging and now very dangerous Sith himself, at least his legacy might aid those who would.

Personality & traits

The Kel Dor Master is considered a wise and poweful Jedi who thinks before he acts. He tends to keep quiet when it is not required of him to speak which is why he may appear apathetic in some cases. In truth however he is quite compassionate on the inside and always considered the well-being of his comrades when taking action.

Airre appears to be quite a martial person, enjoying a good sparring session with fellow Jedi. He is also not know for running away from a fight and tends to confront problems head-on. This, together with his great skill in combat might make him appear arrogant in some cases.

After his encounter with the Sith of the Resurgent and almost losing his life, Airre began pushing for a more aggressive stance against this new threat to the galaxy. He believed it was the duty of the Jedi to prevent the Sith from harming anyone, even before they had done anything as to him history alone proved that the Sith would always be a danger to the galaxy. It was not so much the dark side itself Airre warned against but the nature of Sith which in his eyes was to simply destroy and conquer. For his more extreme views Airre would often clash with other members of the council but despite their disagreements his insight was usually valued.

Powers & abilities

Xar Airre

Xar Airre wielding three lightsabers using the Force.

Force Powers

Airre is most proficient in his use of telekinesis and all its different applications. He can easily control up to three lightsabers at once using only the force and fight with them as if he were wielding them himself. In combat he tends to combine his force abilities with his lightsaber skills in an extremely unorthodox and unpredictable manner. He has also mastered rare abilities such as Force Crush, Force Repulse and Force Enlightenment.

Lightsaber Combat

Although not a master duellist, Airre makes up for his shortcomings in combat with the use of force powers which allow him to keep up with even the most renowned fighters such as the Jedi Battlemaster Uundal. Airre is well versed in all of the six basic forms of lightsaber combat but tends to rely on Form VI Niman together with Jar'Kai when dual wielding. He is also shown to have at least a basic understanding of Tràkata which he sometimes combines with his telekinetic combatstyle

Other Skills

Airre has trained extensively in the Baran Do martial arts of his homeworld which makes him a dangerous opponent, even when unarmed. Aside from Basic, Airre is also fluent in his native language Kel Dor.


  • Skills: (Master) Force User, (Expert) Lightsaber Combat, (Expert) Unarmed, (Expert) Awareness, (Adept) Physical, (Adept) Mental
  • Force Powers: Lightsaber Throw, Force Body, Saber Barrier, Force Repulse, Force Disarm, Force Burst, Force Shield, Force Scream, Mind Trick, Force Crush, Force Enlightenment
  • Lightsaber Forms: Forms I to VI with Form IV Niman being favored and combined with Jar'kai and Tràkata as well as heavy emphasis on telekinetic combat.
  • Equipment: Three purple lightsabers